World’s Best Muffins

Perhaps a wee bit braggy, but they are delicious, and soo good for you; given all the bran used.

You will need a huge bowl.

2 Sticks butter, softened

2 Cups sugar

4 eggs

1 qt buttermilk

5 C AP flour

5 tsp baking soda

2 tsp salt

2 C Bran Buds..I used Kellogg’s

2C boiling water

4C Fiber one cereal

1 box golden raisins lightly floured (so they won’t stick together)

Pour 2C boiling water on 2C bran buds; stir in and set aside.

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs.

Mix flour, soda, salt in separate large bowl.

I added the bran bud mixture to the sugar/butter mixture, and added some buttermilk.

My Kitchenaid stand mixer bowl is not large enough to hold the entire batch, so I poured it into the flour, adding the remainder of the buttermilk and any Fiber One left. Mix well.

Bake in muffin cups at 400° for 18 minutes. I greased the bottoms of the cups with shortening. Fill at least half way.

Batter will keep 6 weeks in fridge..yes, it will.

These fiber rich muffins will make your next day trip to the porcelain idol, smooth sailing…you know what I mean by ‘smooth sailing’?

The original recipe calls for Nabisco bran buds…Nabisco does not make that any more.

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