Pecan Pie

I had never made one before, and did a little research before choosing. All my cookbooks had at least one recipe for pecan pie.

The recipe I used is from The Joy of Cooking because it used the most pecans (2C). I also substituted brown sugar for the white sugar with another tablespoon of molasses added. Also used 1/2 C light corn syrup, and 1/2 C dark corn syrup. I did toast the pecans, PIA as it may be.

I used a grocery store pre made crust, and let it sit out for half an hour to soften. I placed it in a Pyrex 9.5 ” pie plate.


2 C coarsely chopped pecans. I toasted them for 8 minutes on a cookie sheet at 375°, stirring three times.

3 eggs

1 C corn syrup (half light, half dark)

1 C sugar (brown sugar)

1 Tbp molasses

1/2 tsp salt

5 Tbp unsalted butter, melted

1 tsp vanilla or 1 T dark rum

I placed the pie crust in the oven for a couple minutes to heat it while I was stirring in pecans.

Mix well with wire whisk, and stir in pecans. Pour into crust, and bake for 35-45 minutes  until center seems quivery (like gelatin) when nudged (hey that’s what they said).

I goofed on mine by setting the temp at 350. I caught it with eight minutes left. Will update to see how I salvaged it…if at all.

Serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

If you must refrigerate, bring to room temp before serving (20 min?)


I check it at 36 min, and the crust was already over done so I pulled it. Will have to cool before verdict comes in. By the way, it was quivery all over.

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